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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Roope Lappalainen
Version: 1.2
Date: 3.4.2023

General information

The Master Test Plan (MTP) outlines the high-level approach for testing a software system, and serves as a guide for all testing activities that will be conducted. This document is designed to provide an overview of the test plan and to define the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of testing activities. The MTP will be used to guide and coordinate the efforts of the test team throughout the testing process.

About the Test Target / System Under Test

The Test Target/System Under Test (SUT) is the software system that will be tested. The SUT will be described in detail in the Requirements Specification and Design documents.

Test goals and primary needs

The primary goal of testing is to ensure that the software system meets the requirements and functions as intended. The MTP will be used to outline the testing goals, including:

-Defining the testing objectives and scope -Identifying the testing approach, including the testing methods, tools, and techniques to be used -Defining the testing resources required, including the test team, testing environment, and test data -Identifying the test deliverables, including the test plan, test cases, and test reports -Defining the testing schedule and timelines -Outlining the risks and issues associated with testing, and developing a plan to manage them

The primary needs of testing are to ensure that the software system is of high quality and meets the needs of the users. This will be achieved by verifying that the software meets the functional and non-functional requirements, is easy to use, reliable, and performs well. Testing will also ensure that the system is secure and free from defects, and that it is scalable and maintainable.


Release Plan

Tested Features

Feature Name Testcases
FEA09 Service Testing Environment T009 T011
FEA03 Customer Feedback System T003
FEA08 Service Production Environment T005 T013
FEA30 Progress bar T030
FEA11 Service domain name T011
FEA10 Secured connection T010
FEA06 Service Containerized T06
FEA21 Skill Selection View T031 T021
FEA04 GDPR Info T004
FEA29 Softskill Selection View T029
FEA20 Skill Info View T020
FEA01 Backup system T001
FEA22 Data CSV Exporter T022
FEA02 Service Analytics T002

Non-tested Features

Feature Name Testcases
FEA07 Service Regression Test Automatized

Testing Environments

Resources and responsibilities)

l* Direct Link to resource plan

Resource Responsibility
Kalakula Taavi Performance testing
Wirlander Juha Security testing
Lappalainen Roope Functional testing
Kosonen Lauri Experimental testing

Testing Levels

Acceptance Testing

This is the final testing level and is conducted to determine whether the software system meets the customer requirements and business needs. It involves functional and non-functional testing to ensure that the system is acceptable to the customer.

System Testing

System testing is the level of testing that evaluates the system as a whole. It verifies that the integrated system meets its specified requirements and that all system components interact as expected.

System Integration Testing

This testing level verifies that the integrated system can interact with other external systems as well as internal system components. It is performed after module/component testing and before system testing.

Module / Component Testing

This is the lowest level of testing and involves the testing of individual software components or modules. It is performed to ensure that each module or component is working as expected and meets its specifications.

About test planning

Test planning is a critical process in the software testing lifecycle, where the testing team develops a strategy to ensure that the software system is thoroughly tested and meets the required quality standards. The test planning process involves defining the testing objectives, identifying the scope of testing, determining the testing approach, identifying the testing resources required, and developing a timeline for testing.

Test planning also involves the creation of test plans, test cases, and test scripts that will be used to guide the testing process. Test planning should consider various aspects of the software system, including functional requirements, non-functional requirements, security, performance, usability, compatibility, and maintainability.

The primary goal of test planning is to ensure that testing activities are conducted effectively and efficiently, and that the software system is of high quality and meets the needs of the users. The test plan should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective, and to incorporate any changes to the software system or testing requirements.

Testing and troubleshooting processes

Testing and troubleshooting processes are critical components of the software testing lifecycle. These processes are used to verify that the software system is working as intended and to identify and resolve any issues that are found.

During the testing process, various types of testing are conducted, including functional testing, non-functional testing, security testing, and performance testing. Troubleshooting is performed when issues are identified, to determine the cause of the issue and develop a plan to resolve it.<>

General Acceptance Criteria

  • The software meets the functional requirements as specified in the design documents.
  • The software is easy to use and navigate for end-users.
  • The software is responsive and loads quickly on various devices and web browsers.
  • The software is secure and free from vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers or malicious users.
  • The software is accessible to users with disabilities and complies with accessibility guidelines.
  • The software performs well under normal and peak load conditions.
  • The software is reliable and stable, with minimal downtime or issues.
  • The software is compatible with the required hardware and software systems.
  • The software meets all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

General Rejection Criteria

  • The software fails to meet one or more of the acceptance criteria outlined above.
  • The software crashes or has significant bugs that impede its functionality.

Chosen test strategy

The chosen test strategy for the webpage will be a combination of manual and automated testing. The testing process will focus on verifying the functional and non-functional requirements of the webpage and ensuring that it is user-friendly, responsive, secure, and available.

Test tools and software used

The following testing tools and software will be used to support the testing process:

Functional Testing

Functional testing will be performed using manual and automated testing techniques. The following tools and software will be used:

  • Selenium WebDriver for automated functional testing
  • TestRail for test management and reporting

Performance Testing

Performance testing will be performed using automated testing techniques. The following tools and software will be used:

  • Apache JMeter for load testing and performance testing
  • New Relic for real-time application monitoring and performance analysis

Security testing

Security testing will be performed using manual and automated testing techniques. The following tools and software will be used:

  • OWASP ZAP for automated security testing and vulnerability scanning
  • Burp Suite for manual security testing and vulnerability scanning
  • Nessus for network security scanning and analysis

Availability testing

Availability testing will be performed using automated testing techniques. The following tools and software will be used:

  • Pingdom for website uptime monitoring and performance analysis
  • Nagios for server and network monitoring and analysis
