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Acceptance Test 2:

Test case description Verify GDPR-info is correct and shows after login
Test case ID ACCTEST002
Test case designer Arttu Hautala
Creation date 20.02.2023
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

  • Verifying that the GDPR-info has all the right information in it and it shows after user logins.

  • Description

Links to requirements or other sources


  • The GDPR-info shows after user has login.

Test Steps

Step 1 -> check if the GDPR-info shows after login

Step 2 -> read the GDPR-info and confirm it's right

Step 3 -> check if you can press continue and continue on


  • The GDPR-info is ready to be released

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition - All the steps above checks out.
  • FAIL CONDITION - One of the steps above fails.