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Release Note

Configuration info

  • Frontend: React
  • Backend: NodeJS, Express
  • Database: Postgres
  • Server: Ubuntu 22.4
  • Containerization: Docker & Docker-Compose
  • CI/CD: GitLab CI/CD
  • Visibility on the internet: Nginx
  • Cloud service: Pouta CSC
  • Feedback:
  • Service Analytics:
  • Automated testing: Robot Framework


  • Backup system FEA01
  • Service Analytics FEA02
  • Customer feedback system FEA03
  • GDPR info FEA04
  • Service containerized FEA06
  • Service regression test automatizedFEA07
  • Service production enviroment FEA08
  • Service testing enviroment FEA09
  • Secured connection FEA10
  • Service domain name FEA11
  • Skill info view FEA20
  • Skill selection view FEA21
  • Data csv exporter FEA22
  • Skill data importer FEA23
  • Softskill selection view FEA29

Known issues

  • Scalability for smaller screens


Other information

  • Master test paln and test cases can be found here
  • Gitlab pipeline is working
  • HTTPS implemented
  • Docker implemented succesfully
  • GDPR statement included
  • Testing automatized by Robot Framework

Omitted Features