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Requirement Specification

Document Requirement Specification
Specification name
Author: Team Issues
Version: 1.1
Date: 20.02.2023


This is a project within Future Factory implementation, where six students from Jamk are joining together and developing a working tool, Skill Collector for our customer, Lippa-program.

Short description of service/solution

The tool is meant to be used as a collector of skills for various companies. The information we gather with this tool will be used by teachers at Jamk when designing and updating courses.

Business requirements / goals?

ReqID Description
BUSINESS-REQ-0001 The site needs to be on par with JAMK's standards(colors etc.)
BUSINESS-REQ-0002 Skill Collector has to be easy to use
BUSINESS-REQ-0003 The length of the survey shouldn't be too long

Stakeholder map

uml diagram

Stakeholders and profiles

Stakeholde/profile Info / Link to description Motivation?
Lippa-program Customer info here
Marko "NarsuMan" Rintamäki Admin user info here
User User info here

Customer story's as background information

Customer need

ReqID Description
CUSTOMER-REQ-0001 As a end user I would like to see "progress bar" over my my selections
CUSTOMER-REQ-0002 As a end user, I want to be able to have search functionality to find skills
CUSTOMER-REQ-0003 As a end user, I must be able to cancel my choices when filling in the survey
CUSTOMER-REQ-0004 As a end user, I want to see how many selections I have to make in the survey
CUSTOMER-REQ-0005 As a end user, I would like to use search tool to find specific skill description or more info about skill
CUSTOMER-REQ-0006 As a end user, I would like to propose a new skills/definitions by using the Feedback-dialog
CUSTOMER-REQ-0007 As a end user I can select five (5) the most important skills
CUSTOMER-REQ-0008 As a end user I can select five (5) important skills
CUSTOMER-REQ-0009 As a end user I can select five (5) valuable skills
CUSTOMER-REQ-0010 As a end user I can select five (5) future skills
CUSTOMER-REQ-0011 As a end user I can select one (1) the most important soft skill
CUSTOMER-REQ-0012 As a end user I can select one (1) the important soft skill
CUSTOMER-REQ-0013 As a end user I can select one (1) the valuable important soft skill

Customer Journey paths in Service/solution

Customer journey path as PlantUML Statemachine -diagram

uml diagram

Preliminary User Storys

User Story ID Description / link to issue
US101 As a service producer, I want to publish the service using Docker technology, because it makes production easier, #43
US102 As a service developer, I want to receive the end user's feedback in the form of an Issue, because it is clearer to process further, #44
US103 As a service producer, I want to help the end user through a separate support portal without burdening the development team with extra questions, #45
US105 The service can be set up by running the docker-compose up command, #47
US106 As a developer, I want to start a development environment quickly using containers, #48
US107 As a tester, I like to use Docker containers because it makes it easier to set up a test environment, #49
US108 As a service producer, I want to receive feedback from end users, based on which the product can be developed better, #50
US109 As a user of the service, I hope that the service is reliable and that it uses a secure HTTPS connection, because I don't dare to use HTTP services nowadays, #51
US110 As the administrator of the service, I want the logs to be in a machine-readable format so that various searches and parsing can be done on them, #52
US111 As the producer of the service, I want a report on what kind of known vulnerabilities exist in the current implementation-related libraries or modules, because I need to prepare for the future, #53
US112 The service provider must find a data protection description information page on our service, because GDPR requires it, #54
US113 As a system administrator, I want the production database to be able to take a backup from the command line if necessary, #55
US114 As a service producer, I want to use labranet's gitlab registry to share containers, #56
US115 As a service producer, I want to monitor the usage rate of the service using the Google Analytics service, as it has been used before, #57
US116 As the producer of the service, I want to publish a "release note" description of the service, where you can find the changes and existing faults, #58
US119 As a service producer, I want to know what browsers our customers use, because it clarifies the development of features to serve the end customer better, #61
US120 As a data protection officer, I want to know how I can find the actions taken by a selected person in the log, #62
US121 As a tester, I can use a pre-defined backup file as a basis for tests if necessary, #63
US122 As the administrator of the service, I want the various logs to be collected at the internet border of the service, #64
US123 As a service producer, I want to visualize the active usage time and user numbers of the current customer base during the week, because it clarifies the understanding of the service's popularity, #65
US124 As a service administrator, I want the service to be served behind a reverse proxy, so the real servers are hidden in the internal network, #66
US125 As a service producer, I would like to save a week's worth of usage logs on a separate server, because those who break into the service are not allowed to destroy the logs, #67
US126 As a system administrator, I require that the database backup is verified on another machine or separate from the production server in date-tar.gz format, #68
US127 As a service provider, I would like to collect a usage log related to the use of the service, based on which possible abuses can be determined, #69
US128 As the administrator of the service, I hope that the format of the user log is visually interpretable, but it contains the attributes presented above, #70
US129 As a service provider, we must be able to save active events in the service for at least the last week so that they can be viewed quickly (max 5 min), #71
US130 User ID, time, performed function, possible status are saved in the usage log, #72
US131 As a service administrator, I want to be able to search and visualize the collected usage log, #73
US132 As a data protection officer, I would like to check, if necessary, the actions taken by an individual in the user log at a certain point in time (default 1h), #74
US133 As a software developer, I want to know what information about the customer is stored so that we can make a GDPR description, #75
US134 For the customer, I hope to have a training video available, which I can use to inform users about the features of the application, #76
US135 As a customer, we require the use of HTTPS connections in the service, #77
US136 As a customer, I would like to receive a summary of the product handover in the form of a Release Note, which explains the final failure situation and the level of information security, #78
US137 In charge of security, I hope to get a report on the security level of the software implementation, aka "npm audit", #79
US142 As a service provider, I would like to collect a usage log related to the use of the service, on the basis of which possible abuses can be determined, #85
US143 As the administrator of the service, I hope that the format of the user log is visually interpretable, but it contains the previously defined attributes, #86
US146 As a service administrator, I want to be able to search and visualize the collected usage log, #89
US301 As a end user I would like to see "progress bar" over my my selections, #120
US302 As a end user, I want to be able to have search functionality to find skills, #121
US303 As a end user, I must be able to cancel my choices when filling in the survey, #122
US304 As a product owner, I want service to have limited amount of "tokens" that end user has available filling, #123
US305 As a end user, I want to see how many selections I have to make in the survey, #124
US306 As a end user, I want to receive the CSV file via email which shows the data I filled in to the survey, #125
US307 As a adminuser, I would like to set end user specific hash value using cli tool or UI, #126
US308 As a product owner, I want the ability to choose max 20 skills (5+5+5+5) from SFIA-Skills, #127
US309 As a adminuser, I would like to able "CRUD" end user specific hash value using command line tool or Admin UI, #128
US310 As a adminuser, I would like use Admin UI for configuration of service, #129
US311 As a adminuser, I would like use Command Line tool/script for configuration of service, #130
US312 As a end user, I would like to use search tool to find specific skill description or more info about skill, #131
US313 As a end user, I would like to propose a new skills/definitions by using the Feedback-dialog, #132
US314 As a adminuser, I would like to be able export latest results from skill collector database in CSV Format, #133
US315 As a adminuser, I would like to be able check latest results in database using Admin UI/CLI, #134
US316 As a end user I can select five (5) the most important skills, #135
US317 As a end user I can select five (5) important skills, #136
US318 As a end user I can select five (5) valuable skills, #137
US319 As a end user I can select five (5) future skills, #138
US320 As a end user I can select one (1) the most important soft skill, #139
US321 As a end user I can select one (1) the important soft skill, #140
US322 As a end user I can select one (1) the valuable important soft skill, #141

Selected Use Cases of service/solution

Use Case Domain
Use Case 1 - User logins with hashcode Login using hashcode
Use Case 2 - User reads GDPR statement and continues Continue
Use Case 3 - User selects skills Selects skills
Use Case 4 - User selects softskills Selects softskills
Use Case 5 - User submits chosen skills Submit skills
Use Case 6 - User gives feedback Give feedback

Preliminary MockUp-prototype layouts for solution/service

System requirements

RequirementsID Description
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0000 Operating System: Ubuntu Server version 18.04 or higher is required to run the web application.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0001 CPU: The server should have at least 2 vCPUs (virtual CPUs) to ensure adequate processing power for the application.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0002 Memory: The server should have at least 4GB of RAM to ensure adequate memory for the application.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0003 Storage: The server should have at least 20GB of storage for the application and associated data.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0005 Web Server: The web application requires a web server such as Apache or Nginx to serve the web pages.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0006 Database: The web application requires a database server such as MySQL or PostgreSQL to store and manage application data.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0007 Application Server: The web application requires an application server such as Node.js or Ruby on Rails to run the application code.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0008 Network: The server should have a reliable and high-speed internet connection to ensure quick response times and minimal downtime.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0009 Security: The server should have security measures in place such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems to protect against unauthorized access.
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0010 Backups: Regular backups of the application and associated data should be performed to ensure that data can be restored in case of data loss or corruption.

Constraints and standards that affect on service design

ReqId Description
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00000 Accessibility standards: Web applications need to comply with accessibility standards such as WCAG 2.1 to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can access the application and use it effectively.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00002 Performance constraints: Web applications need to perform well under high traffic loads, with minimal latency, and quick response times. This can be achieved by optimizing server configurations, database schemas, and front-end performance.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00003 Security constraints: Web applications need to be designed with security in mind, using encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms to ensure that user data is secure.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00004 Compliance standards: Web applications need to comply with legal and regulatory standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, depending on the type of data that is being processed.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00005 Infrastructure constraints: Web applications need to be designed to work within the constraints of the underlying infrastructure, including cloud service providers or on-premises hardware.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00006 Compatibility constraints: Web applications need to be compatible with a wide range of devices, web browsers, and operating systems to ensure that users can access the application from any device they choose.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00007 User experience constraints: Web applications need to be designed with a focus on user experience, ensuring that users can navigate the application easily, find what they need quickly, and complete their tasks with minimal friction.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00008 Development constraints: Web applications need to be designed with development constraints in mind, such as the available programming languages, frameworks, and libraries that are used to build the application.

Service primary features and functionalities

uml diagram

*Product mindmap

Priorization of essential features

  • P1 = Mandatory
  • P3 = Required
  • P5 = Nice to have
Feature Priority
Feature 1 - Backup System P1
Feature 2 - Service Analytics P1
Feature 3 - Customer Feedback P1
Feature 4 - GDPR-info P1
Feature 6 - Service Contanerized P3
Feature 7 - Service Regression Test Automatized P3
Feature 8 - Service Production Environment P1
Feature 9 - Service Testing Environment P1
Feature 10 - Secured Connection P1
Feature 11 - Service Domain Name P5
Feature 20 - Skill Info View P3
Feature 21 - Skill Selection view P3
Feature 22 - Data csv Exported P5
Feature 23 - Skill Data Importer P5
Feature 28 - Skill Search P3
Feature 29 - Softskill Selection View P3

Functional requirements of the service

ReqID Description Affected feature
FUNC-REQ-C0001 User can search different skills Feature 28 - Skill Search
FUNC-REQ-C0002 User is informed about all information that is collected Feature 4 - GDPR-info
FUNC-REQ-C0003 User recieves information about previous selections Feature 21 - Skill Selection View
FUNC-REQ-C0004 User can choose soft skills by importance Feature 29 - Softskill Selection View
FUNC-REQ-C0005 User can give feedback Feature 3 - Customer Feedback
FUNC-REQ-C0006 Customer can view and analyze the collected data Feature 2 - Service Analytics
FUNC-REQ-C0007 Backup process runs on a regular basis Feature 1 - Backup System
FUNC-REQ-C0008 Saved data from the database can be exported in .csv format Feature 22 - Skill Data Importer
FUNC-REQ-C0009 Automated tests that verify any modification or update in a software without affecting the overall working functionality of the service Feature 7 - Service Regression Test Automatized
FUNC-REQ-C0010 User can view the information of certain skill Feature 20 - Skill Info View
FUNC-REQ-C0011 The domain name should clearly identify the website or network resource it represents, making it easy for users to find and access the site. Feature 11 - Service Domain Name

Software / service non-functional requirements

Performance Requirements

ReqID Description
PERF-REQ-0000 Scalability: The application should be able to handle a growing number of users and data as the application gains popularity and users add more skills.
PERF-REQ-0001 Page load time: The web application should load quickly, ideally in under 3 seconds, to ensure a good user experience and minimize bounce rates.
PERF-REQ-0002 Accuracy: The application should accurately collect and record the skills entered by users, without introducing errors or duplicates.
PERF-REQ-0003 Availability: The application should be available to users at all times, with minimal downtime or maintenance.
PERF-REQ-0004 Performance optimization: The application should be optimized for fast load times, efficient data storage and retrieval, and minimal resource usage.
PERF-REQ-0005 Concurrent user handling: The web application should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users, without affecting the website's speed and responsiveness.
PERF-REQ-0006 Server response time: The web application should have a fast server response time to ensure that users can interact with the application without delay.
PERF-REQ-0007 Database performance: The database should be optimized for quick and efficient data retrieval, even as the amount of data stored in it grows.
PERF-REQ-0008 Scalability: The web application should be able to scale up as user traffic grows, without affecting performance or availability.
PERF-REQ-0009 Browser compatibility: The web application should be compatible with all major web browsers to ensure that users can access the application from any device.
PERF-REQ-0010 Usability: The web application should have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, reducing the likelihood of user errors and increasing user satisfaction.

Security Requirements

ReqID Description
SEC-REQ-0001 The password must use at least MD5-level encryption, as required by the XY112 standard
SEC-REQ-0002 User authentication must be enforced for all system access
SEC-REQ-0003 Access control policies must be enforced to ensure that users only have access to data and resources necessary for their roles
SEC-REQ-0004 User sessions must be properly managed to prevent session hijacking
SEC-REQ-0005 Input validation must be implemented to prevent injection attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting
SEC-REQ-0006 Error messages should be designed to avoid exposing sensitive information
SEC-REQ-0007 Audit logging must be implemented to monitor system activity and detect any unauthorized access or activities
SEC-REQ-0008 Sensitive data, such as passwords and personal information, must be encrypted both in storage and during transmission
SEC-REQ-0009 The system must be designed to prevent the disclosure of confidential data to unauthorized users
SEC-REQ-0010 Data backups must be regularly performed to prevent data loss in case of a disaster
SEC-REQ-0011 The system must be regularly patched and updated to address security vulnerabilities
SEC-REQ-0012 The system must be monitored for suspicious activities and security incidents
SEC-REQ-0013 The system must be tested for security vulnerabilities, including penetration testing
SEC-REQ-0014 The system must have a plan in place for incident response and disaster recovery
SEC-REQ-0015 The system must comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as GDPR
SEC-REQ-0016 Third-party libraries and frameworks must be regularly updated to address security vulnerabilities
SEC-REQ-0017 The service must not store any sensitive data in clear text
SEC-REQ-0018 The service must implement secure coding practices, such as input validation and output encoding, to prevent injection attacks and other vulnerabilities
SEC-REQ-0019 The service must implement secure communications protocols, such as HTTPS
SEC-REQ-0020 The service must have a secure logging process that logs all events and errors
SEC-REQ-0021 The service must have a process for monitoring and identifying unauthorized access or use
SEC-REQ-0022 The service must have a secure coding and testing environment, such as a separate test environment or sandbox

Availability Requirements

ReqID Description
USAB-REQ-0000 High-contrast mode: The web application should provide a high-contrast mode to ensure that users with visual
USAB-REQ-0001 Text resizing: The web application should allow users to resize the text without breaking the layout or functionality of the application.
USAB-REQ-0002 Ensure that all images have alternative text for screen readers.
USAB-REQ-0003 Page load time: The web application should be optimized to load quickly, with a goal of under 3 seconds for the initial page load. This is important to ensure that users do not become frustrated and abandon the site.
USAB-REQ-0004 Error handling: The web application should handle errors gracefully, with clear and informative error messages displayed to the user. This can help prevent users from becoming confused or frustrated when encountering errors.
USAB-REQ-0005 Compatibility: The web application should be compatible with all major browsers and operating systems, to ensure that users can access the site regardless of their preferred technology.
USAB-REQ-0006 Accessibility compliance: The web application should meet accessibility standards such as WCAG 2.0 or 2.1, to ensure that users with disabilities can access the site. This includes providing alternative text for non-text content, using descriptive links, and providing keyboard accessibility.

Quality Assurance

Preliminary Acceptance Tests

AcceptanceTestId Description Feature
ACCTEST001 - Acceptance Test 1 Verify that the customer feedback works Feature 3 - Customer Feedback
ACCTEST002 - Acceptance Test 2 Verify GDPR-info is correct and shows after login Feature 4 - GDPR-info
ACCTEST003 - Acceptance Test 3 Verify skill info view works Feature 20 - Skill Info View
ACCTEST004 - Acceptance Test 4 Verify skill selection view works Feature 21 - Skill Selection View
ACCTEST005 - Acceptance Test 5 Verify skill search works Feature 28 - Skill Search

Software architecture, placement view, database description, and integrations

High-level design

We will use the PERN tech stack (Postgres, Express, React and Node.js). Here is a high-level architecture diagram of the project:

Breakdown of the data flow:

  1. The user's browser sends an HTTP request to the React frontend.

  2. The React frontend sends an HTTP request to the Express server, requesting the SFIA skill data.

  3. The Express server receives the request and sends an API request to the Node.js backend.

  4. The Node.js backend receives the API request, and queries the PostgreSQL database to retrieve the SFIA skill data.

  5. The PostgreSQL database sends the skill data back to the Node.js backend.

  6. The Node.js backend sends the skill data to the Express server in response to the API request.

  7. The Express server sends the skill data to the React frontend.

  8. The React frontend receives the skill data, and uses it to render the relevant parts of the user interface.

Database design

The Postgres database will consist of three tables: users (which stores the user hashes), skills (which contains both SFIA and soft skills, along with their descriptions and whether they are a SFIA skill or a soft skill) and user_skills (which is an intersection table, storing the relationships between users and the skills they have selected. Each row in this table represents a single selection made by a user).

Here is a preliminary ER diagram of the database:


Backend design

  1. API layer: The API layer will define endpoints for adding and removing skills to specific categories, such as "important" and "nice to have". For example, endpoints like /api/skills/important and /api/skills/nice-to-have.

  2. Routing: The routing layer will handle the new endpoints for adding and removing skills to specific categories. It will also handle any additional query parameters or request payloads required for these operations.

  3. Controller layer: The controller layer will contain the business logic for adding and removing skills to specific categories. It will verify that the requested skill exists and that the category is valid. It will also update the appropriate category in the user's record.

  4. Data access layer: The data access layer will provide methods for querying and updating the user's record in the database. It will handle any concurrency issues that may arise from multiple users updating the same record.

  5. Database: The database will store the user's record, including their selected skills and their associated categories. Additional tables or columns may be added to the SFIA skills database to support this functionality (database may be created seperately)

  6. Security: The back-end will implement security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the user's record. It will also ensure that the user is only able to add or remove skills to their own record.

  7. Middleware: The back-end may use middleware to handle the new endpoints and any additional query parameters or request payloads. It may also use middleware to handle authentication and authorization for the new endpoints.

Standards and sources

As part of the requirements definition, it is essential to identify important sources that are useful or relevant to the whole. Standards and pre-distributed guidelines are useful sources and as needed clarify the meaning of the requirements.

ID Linkki
JHS 165 ICT Vaatimusmäärittely
SO 9241-11 Käytettävyys
ISO9001 -
- - -