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Feature ID FEA29
Subsystem the feature is part of e.g. billing
Responsible person Roope Lappalainen
Status e.g. approved


Separate page for soft skills where you choose 1 skill to most important, important and nice to have box.

Use-Case: - Create UI for choosing sof skills. Total of 3 choices.

User-Requirements: - 3 choices available by importance 1/1/1.

Technical-Requirements: - User must be able to cancel his choices during the survey. - Skills has to have description available. (E.g tooltip when hovering mouse.)

All relevant issues related to or contributing to the definition of the feature are gathered here

Use Case 1
Use Case 2
Requirement ReqID
Requirement ReqID

Preliminary user stories

  • US321 - As a end user I can select one (1) the important soft skill. #140

  • US322 - As a end user I can select one (1) the valuable important soft skill. #141

User interface mock-up

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 29 T029 Lauri Kosonen