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Feature ID e.g. FT0101
Subsystem the feature is part of FEA08
Responsible person Jenna Penttilä
Status e.g. approved


Setting up Docker and using containers to create development enviroment, test enviroment and published production enviroment. Using docker makes the enviroments faster and more secure because using containers isolates the production and makes it harder to be hacked into.

Using Dockers compose up command helps us if there are existing containers for a service, and the service’s configuration or image was changed after the container’s creation, docker compose up picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the containers (preserving mounted volumes).

Dockerfiles are stored in gitlab registery so they can be shared.

All relevant issues related to or contributing to the definition of the feature are gathered here

Use Case 1
Use Case 2
Requirement ReqID
Requirement ReqID

Preliminary user stories

49 US107 As a tester, I like to use Docker containers because it makes it easier to set up a test environment

48 US106 As a developer, I want to start a development environment quickly using containers

47 US105 The service can be set up by running the docker-compose up command

43 US101 As a service producer, I want to publish the service using Docker technology, because it makes production easier

56 US114 As a service producer, I want to use labranet's gitlab registry to share containers

102 US202 as a developer, I want apache web server running in docker container.

103 US201 As a developer, I want to see Node.js running on Apache web server on CSC instance.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
T06 Requirement ID?