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FEA01-Backup-System 1.0

Feature ID FEA01
Subsystem the feature is part of e.g. billing
Responsible person Jenna Penttilä
Status e.g. approved


Database backup to cloud in tar.gz format. Automatic backups every 4 hours and a possibility to backup from command line.

All relevant issues related to or contributing to the definition of the feature are gathered here

Use Case 1
Use Case 2
Requirement ReqID
Requirement ReqID

Preliminary user stories

  • US141 As a system administrator, I require that the database backup is verified on another machine or separate from the production server in date-tar.gz format" (Issue #84)
  • US126 As a system administrator, I require that the database backup is verified on another machine or separate from the production server in date-tar.gz format (Issue #68)
  • US113 As a system administrator, I want the production database to be able to take a backup from the command line if necessary (Issue #55)

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible