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Testcase - Service Production Environment

Test Case description Check that server is automated from gitlab branch
Test Case ID T005
Autohor/Designer Jenna Penttilä
Date of creation 3.4.2023
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that you can modify the files from gitlab, and it automatically deploys the new file to the csc server.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Start

Test steps

  1. Open csc server
  2. Modify text from gitlab
  3. Wait for approval of the commit
  4. Verify that the updated text has been uploaded to the csc server.

Test end-state

  • After running the test, the modified file from gitlab branch is automatically deployed to the CSC server and can be accessed and verified. This verifies that the server is automated and updates are automatically reflected on the server.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition - Modified file from gitlab branch is automatically deployed to the csc server
  • FAIL condition - If any of the above steps failed.