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Testcase - GDPR info

Test Case description Check that the GDPR feature is functional
Test Case ID T004
Autohor/Designer Juha Wirlander
Date of creation 04.04.2023
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case must ensure that the user has the opportunity to read the GDRP info before going further on the site. The user also has the option to go back to this information.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The application is up and running. * After the login page, the GDRP page opens

Test steps

  1. After the login page, the GDRP page opens
  2. The user can scroll down the page and read the GDRP page texts all the way to the end
  3. Press the "Continue" button and then the "Back" button to see if you can get back to the GDPR page.

Test end-state

  • The functionality of the page is as promised

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition = All the steps above passes and the test end-state is also correct.
  • FAIL condition = Any of the steps fail.