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Testcase - Progress bar

Test Case description Progress bar
Test Case ID T030
Autohor/Designer Lauri Kosonen
Date of creation 4.4.2023
Class functional

Test description / objective

*This test case should verify that the progress bar is visible and works as intended on all pages. *

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The application is up and running.

Test steps

  1. verify that progress bar is visible on the following pages: sfia-skill-view, doft-skill-view and confirmation.
  2. progressbar should not be visible on other pages.
  3. verify that the progress bar updates correctly when changing the page.
  4. when the user is on the sfia-skill-view page, only the "SFIA skills" part of the progress bar should be colored.
  5. when the user is on the soft-skill-view page, the "SFIA skills" AND "Soft skills" parts of the progress bar should be colored.
  6. when the user is on the confirmation page, ALL parts of the progress bar should be colored.

Test end-state

  • The progress bar is visible on the correct pages, and updates in the correct order.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition - The progress bar updates correctly and is visible on the correct pages.
  • FAIL condition - If any of the above steps failed