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Testcase - Customer Feedback

Test Case description Customer Feedback
Test Case ID T003
Autohor/Designer Roope Lappalainen
Date of creation 27.3.2023
Class functional

Test description / objective

*This test case should verify that end users are able to give feedback inside the application. Feedback should have application version information. *

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The application is up and running.

Test steps

  1. verify that feedback button is visible on all pages.
  2. click the feedback button, feedback form should appear.
  3. verify that feedback form appears.
  4. write something that you can identify later. In example: "this is test number 1"
  5. press button "send"
  6. open ""
  7. verify that you can see your unique feedback.
  8. open the feedback
  9. check the feedback properties. It should contain application version.
  10. Verify that application version is visible

Test end-state

  • The end-users are able to give feedback inside the application and the feedback includes the application version information.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition - The feedback form appears and includes the application version information.
  • FAIL condition - If any of the above steps failed