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Testcase - Softskill Selection View

Test Case description Softskill selection view
Test Case ID T029
Autohor/Designer Lauri Kosonen
Date of creation 4.4.2023

Test description

This test case should verify that the skill view page is functioning as intended.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The application is up and running

Test steps

  1. Verify that all the contents of the page load up when using the application.
  2. Verify that the drag and drop feature is working properly. You should only be able to put one soft skill into each tier.
  3. Verify that it is possible to replace a chosen skill by dragging it out and dragging a new one in.
  4. The application should remember the users choices when changing the pages.
  5. Verify that the chosen soft skills are also visible on the "confirmation" page.
  6. Verify that when the user submits their choices, the chosen skills are sent to the database.
  7. Check that the progress bar and the feedback button are visible and function as intended.

Test end-state

  • The pages functions as intended and the chosen skills are saved to the database

To be taken into account during test

  • Verify that the skills are imported from the database
  • Verify that the chosen skills are exported to the database after submitting the skills.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS: Each step has been completed without issues.
  • FAIL: One of the above criteria is not met.