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Testcase - Skill Selection View

Test Case description Check that the skill selection feature is functional
Test Case ID T021
Autohor/Designer Arttu Hautala
Date of creation 04.04.2023
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that the user has all SFIA skills on the website and they can choose (5) most important, (5) important, (5) nice to have and (5) for the future skills. Also the page should guide the user and there should be a description of each skill on the website.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * The application is up and running.

Test steps

  1. On the website check if all SFIA skills are visible.
  2. Check that a skill description appears when hovered over a skill.
  3. Check if one can choose maximum five of "most important" skills by dragging a skill to the correct importance box.
  4. Check if one can choose maximum five of "important" skills by dragging a skill to the correct importance box.
  5. Check if one can choose maximum five of "nice to have" skills by dragging a skill to the correct importance box.
  6. Check if one can choose maximum five of "for the future" skills by dragging a skill to the correct importance box.
  7. Check that one can change their decision and drag the skills back.
  8. Check if the chosen skills appear in the "confirmation" page.

Test end-state

  • The chosen skills are visible in the "confirmation" page.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition = All the steps above passes and the test end-state is also correct.
  • FAIL condition = Any of the steps fail.