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Testcase - Service-Testing-Environment

Test Case description Check that the Service-Testing-Environment is updated
Test Case ID T012
Autohor/Designer Roope Lappalainen
Date of creation 07.03.2023
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that csc is running latest updates

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Start

Test steps

  1. Run "sudo apt update" on the server terminal
  2. Terminal should produce: "All packages are up to date

Test end-state

  • After running the test, the Service-Testing-Environment is updated with the latest updates available. This verifies that the CSC instance is running the latest updates and is up to date.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS All packages are up to date
  • FAIL If any of the above steps failed.