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Risk Management Plan

Document Risk Management Plan Draft
Author: Taavi Kalaluka
Version: 1.0
Date: 14.02.2023

Probability scale 1-5, where 5 is likely to occur and 1 is unlikely.

RISK ID Description Severity Probability Responsible Action in case the risk escalates
RISK01 Team member gets the flu S4 3 Arttu Hautala Inform the team leader and the client, if necessary.
RISK02 Data breach or security vulnerability S1 1 Juha Wirlander Immediately activate response plan and investigate root cause. Notify customers and stakeholders as needed.
RISK03 Third-party service outage or API malfunction S2 2 Taavi Kalaluka Monitor status and communicate with service provider to resolve issue. Implement backup or alternative plan if possible.
RISK04 Insufficient development resources or expertise S3 2 Arttu Hautala Practice the implementation of certain features/technologies with small independent projects, watch tutorials, allocate more time to familiarization.
RISK05 Changes to project scope or requirements S4 3 Lauri Kosonen Establish clear project goals and communicate them to stakeholders. Prioritize and document changes to requirements.
RISK06 Incomplete or inadequate testing S2 3 Roope Lappalainen Increase testing coverage and rigor. Prioritize and address identified defects promptly.
RISK07 Missed project milestones or delays S3 2 Arttu Hautala Identify causes of delays and develop a plan to get back on track. Communicate changes to schedule to stakeholders.
RISK08 Incompatibility with target platforms or browsers S2 3 Front-End Developers and testers Perform thorough compatibility testing and consider alternative development approaches if necessary.
RISK09 Inadequate documentation or communication S3 2 Jenna Penttilä Establish clear documentation and communication protocols. Monitor and update as needed throughout the project.
RISK10 Legal or regulatory compliance issues S1 2 Taavi Kalaluka Consult legal experts to identify and address potential compliance issues. Establish clear policies and procedures to minimize risks.
RISK11 CSC infrastructure failure or instability S2 2 Jenna Penttilä Monitor server status and implement backup and redundancy measures if possible. Notify customers and stakeholders if issues arise.
RISK12 Lack of scalability or performance issues S2 4 Roope Lappalainen Monitor performance and scalability throughout development. Consider load testing and performance optimization as needed.
RISK13 Lack of user adoption or customer satisfaction S4 3 Jenna Penttilä Solicit feedback and prioritize features and improvements based on user needs. Consider user testing and user experience design.
RISK14 Intellectual property infringement or disputes S1 2 Taavi Kalaluka Consult legal experts to identify and address potential IP issues. Establish clear policies and procedures to minimize risks.
RISK15 Natural disasters or unforeseen events S1 1 Taavi Kalaluka Establish emergency response protocols and contingency plans. Monitor and communicate with stakeholders as needed.
RISK16 Insufficient budget or resources S3 2 Arttu Hautala Review project requirements and budget to identify potential shortfalls. Consider alternative funding sources or project scope adjustments as needed.
RISK17 Insufficient project management or oversight S3 2 Arttu Hautala Establish clear project management and oversight protocols. Monitor project progress and implement corrective actions as needed. Consider adding another person to help with project management.
RISK18 Personnel turnover S2 2 Everyone Divide the remaining workload between the remaining team members.
RISK19 Data loss due to inadequate or nonexistent backups S2 2 Jenna Penttilä Try to recover as much data as possible from previus versions. Come up with backup protocols for the future and schedule regular backups. Test backups regularly to ensure data can be restored if needed. Store backups offsite and consider using cloud-based backup services.
RISK20 Inadequate front-end performance S3 2 Front-End Developers Develop and follow clear front-end development and optimization protocols to ensure that the application loads quickly and is responsive to user interactions. Utilize performance monitoring tools to identify and diagnose performance issues. Conduct regular performance testing to measure and optimize application performance. Optimize front-end code, images, and other assets as needed. Consider using a content delivery network (CDN) or other caching technologies to improve front-end performance.

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according the project

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Majeure - Total showstopper Risks that would completely halt the project or cause catastrophic impact if they were to occur
S2 Critical A critical issue has occurred that requires immediate attention and resolution, but does not completely halt the project
S3 Possible Potential to cause moderate to significant impacts on the project, but not an immediate threat
S4 Moderate An issue has arisen that impacts the project but can be managed and addressed within a reasonable timeframe
S5 Minor No immediate impact, but need to be monitored and managed over time

Impact and likelihood of risks

Probability/Impact S5 Minor S4 Moderate S3 Possible S2 Critical S1 Force Majeure
Very likely (10 times a year) Minor Moderate Significant Unacceptable Unacceptable
Very likely (at least once a year) Irrelevant Minor Moderate Significant Unacceptable
Occasional (At least once every 10 years) Irrelevant Minor Moderate Moderate Significant
Rare (At least once every 50 years) Irrelevant Irrelevant Minor Minor Moderate
Very rare (Less than once in 50 years) Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Minor