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Current Status

Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 06 Date 11.04.2023**

What has been achieved

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Next steps

Status of sprint 05 Date 04.04.2023**

What has been achieved

Finished our Frontend.

Linked our pages together and made it move data between pages by using local storage.

Upgraded from HTTP to HTTPS and added a domain name.

Got Node JS workin with NodeJS so backend is nearly ready.

Finished Production server.

Most of features are ready and waiting for testing or other features to finish.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

When adding backend with frontend we can't move data between pages.

Docker network kept jumping out of range and binging into 198... network.

Next steps

Finishing backend and linking it with Frontend.

Finish more features.

Status of sprint 04 Date 21.03.2023**

What has been achieved

We have done a lot on the user interface but there is still a lot more to do.

Backend is mostly ready.

Production server is almost ready

Status Check

Do we have a problems/challenges?

We have a problem with the skill view not being able to save the location of the dragged skills.

We still haven't tried to connect the UI with our backend and database.

Next steps

Sprint 5 finishing our current features and getting the backend working with frontend.

Starting to test our finished features.

Status of sprint 03 Date 07.03.2023**

What has been achieved

We took 1 week vacation and continued 06.03.2023 well rested.

We started our project finally

Created automated deployment from gitlab to server for the testing enviroment. (fea09)

Created the neccesary database

Created a react app and dockerized it on the server

A lot of time has gone to familiarizing how to use React, Docker, Gitlab CI and postgresql.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Some problems with Gitlab CI but nothing we couldn't handle.

Next steps

Sprint 4 Getting backend working with frontend and a lot of coding.

Status of sprint 02 Date 15.02.2023**

What has been achieved

Finished project plan

Finished requirement specification

Updated all the requirement temptables

Made a road map

Made a communication plan

Updated offer temptable

Made a budget

Started writing test plan

Made a risk management plan

Got ready to make an offer

Finished the home page by adding pictures and linked in links.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems so far.

Next steps

Sprint 3 and starting our project if it gets accepted.

Status of sprint 01 Date 07.02.2023**

What has been achieved

Registered new userstories, started writing requirement specification document and project plan.

Designed our mockup using Figma

Updated mural board Mural board

Finished all our issues Issue board

Updated our Home page

Created Epics

Defined customer path, chose a test manager, learned how to use Docker containers.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Had some problems with installing node.js when the right ports werent allowed through in csc instance.

Next steps

Update Feature documents, prepare to offer proposal and present our product.

Status of sprint 00 Date 24.01.2023**

What has been achieved

Gotten familiar with gitlab, mural, CSC and the assigment.

Assigned roles to each team member and chosen our team leader.

Set up CSC enviroment and made development server, production server and tested ssh connection.

Gathered important information on our mural board Mural board

Finished all our issues Issue board

Updated our Home page.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems that we haven't overcome.

Next steps

Planning and starting our project.